It's about talking to my inner Judy Blume and getting at what's really bothering me and my friends. Judy tells it like it is --with her own quirky blend of snotty North Eastern humor combined with a cool New Mexico vibe. Judy is never wrong.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Me: Hey what up Judy B.? Hung out with a pal from college. She got married to her first boyfriend, 20 years later.
They met in high school and he dumped her, got married, had a kid, and then 20 years later, found her on Facebook 
and now they are married. Of course they're in love. It was fun to watch this totally strong woman
walk around the house on her tippy toes, playing wife, making sure he had his dinner ( enchiladas) and beer etc...
I'm surprised she did not have him running around her. She even made me stop talking for a moment ( she never does that) cause he was trying to get a word across. He's not very talk-a-tive - -he's like a baby turtle with conversation -- delicate. I've seen it happen to so many friends ... they totally change for the man, or were they always waiting for a man to wait on? Is it 'waiting on a man' or am I being immature? Is she just showing him she loves him? I guess so, but for an instant, I didn't like being chided, but then I got over it..... I really do talk too much.
Judy: You're a f-ing big mouth. Why not shut up for a minute?